Dr. Rob Darrow is a lifelong Californian who works as an educational consultant in LGBT history, safe and inclusive schools, curriculum development, college and career planning, and digital learning. In addition, he works as Director of Research and Professional Learning with the Safe Schools Project Santa Cruz County and recently taught the online course titled “LGBT History in Schools” .
He has worked as an online school principal, adjunct professor, school librarian, and teacher in K-12 schools and has worked and consulted with people, schools, universities and organizations from pre-school to doctoral programs. His research interests include safe and inclusive environments for LGBT youth, LGBT history, blended and online learning, professional learning, college and career education, creating a social presence in online courses, and school libraries.
His diverse educational involvements:
- Safe Schools Project Santa Cruz County
- ForwarDirections College and Career Counseling
- Online and Blended Learning
His publications include:
- LGBT History Curriculum Guide – 11th Grade History
- LGBT History Curriculum Guide – 8th Grade History
- History Textbook Evaluation Tools (K-5; 6-8; 9-12)
- 2015 Report: Implementation of LGBT Inclusive School Policies in California (Darrow)
Current and Past Positions
- Co-Founder and Independent Career and College Coach, ForwarDirections.org
- LGBT History Consultant and Presenter, LGBT and Queer History
- Director of Research, Safe Schools Project of Santa Cruz County
- Consultant, Bay Area BlendEd Consortium
- President, Online Learning VISIONS
- Former Director of Member Services, iNacol (2012-14)
- Former Principal, Clovis Online School , a charter school in the Clovis Unified School District, Clovis, Ca
- Former Coordinator of School Libraries and Teacher Librarian
- Former Project Director, Teaching American History Grant (TAH 1, TAH 2 , TAH 3)
- Rob’s Vita
Reports / Articles Written
- 2015 Report: Implementation of LGBT Inclusive School Policies in California (Darrow)
- Darrow, Rob (2010). “The Bottom Line: Funding Online Courses.” The School Administrator. April.
- Darrow, Rob (2009). “School Libraries are Essential: How do we meet the Virtual Access and Collaboration Needs of the 21st Century Learner and Teacher?” Knowledge Quest.
American Association of School Librarians. May. - Darrow, Rob (2007). “California Dreamin’ by Rob Darrow” blog.
Contact Info